Parents should have trust in the school, management and teachers. Parents are also entitled to abide by the rules and regulation of the school in view of the discipline of the students. Parents are supposed to respect and accept the norms and modality of the functioning of the school. Parents should respond in time to the information, requests and enquiries passed from the school. Parents are allowed to consult the Principal and class teacher on 1 & 3 Saturdays of each month. On other working days, under special circumstances, with special appointment, parents can meet principal. Teachers may be consulted only when they are not engaged with classes or special assignments. Parents are neither allowed to enter into the class room area nor to meet any teacher or student directly. Parents are requested to report in the school reception office with their purpose of visit. No visit, unless reported in the office, will be considered. Parents are expected to enforce their children to study regularly and to devote at least two hours each in the morning and evening for studies. We highly recommend all the parents to visit the school, meet the principal and the class teacher and get updated about the performance of their child at least once in each semester. Constant vigilance on the part of parents pays rich dividends. Parents should daily check their children’s school diary and work books. Communication note must be signed/ acknowledged in case needed. We recommend parents to send the children with home-made food in their tiffin box. We request parents not to parcel bakery items or any kind of junk food

Plastic is prohibited in our school campus. Hence parents are requested to send their children to the school without any plastic objects. Complaint on teachers or staff shall be referred to the principal or the director. No Parent/guardian is allowed to fight with any of the school staff. Any kind of untoward behavior by the parents or guardian, in the school campus, will be taken forward legally. Parents are supposed to pay the fees within the stipulated time. Fine may be imposed, as per the rules intimated, for the delay of payment. If a child is reported frequently with inability to cop up with the CBSE syllabus by the school management, the parents have to take the decision, either to cancel the admission or to continue the admission. The student will be permitted to continue here only with a written consent from the parents to the school management. Parents should promote their children to partake in all possible co-curricular activities. Students representing the school in any sport or co-curricular or cultural competitions are purely at the decision of the school management; Parents will not have any say in this matter. As per the rule, no kind of physical or psychological punishment shall be imposed on students. Therefore, in case of any grievous offence or violation of the code of conduct from any student, his/ her parents may be summoned to the school. In such cases, the students will not be permitted to enter the class until parents report in the office. It is obvious that in the schools, there could be some instances where students fighting and hurting each other, or hurting himself/herself while playing or running or so. In such instances, parents should restraint themselves and help the management to peacefully settle the problem. The management shall take action against the offender, according to the seriousness of the instance. Parents should be aware of the mode of disciplinary action taken against the children

1) Warning letter issued & apology letter demanded from student-2 times

2) Suspension letter & apology letter demanded from parents-2 times

3) Dismissal

Parents are supposed to inform the school office any changes of their mobile number or address. TC will be issued only after getting clearance note from the school library office and the accountant office.